The shows at Harrisburg were my last appearance “on the road”. I'm now concentrating my efforts on the web site. I’m pleased that many customers I’ve dealt with at dog shows the past 32 years have followed me to the site. I’m also excited that many new customers have found me via the internet. So I’m not retiring just beginning a NEW ERA. I’m looking forward to the challenge of supplying engraved signs and tags to past customers and finding new ones.
I must say, however, I won’t miss some things that came with doing 80+ shows a
year. Like the mud and being towed out of a show site, high winds causing tents
to go down and shows to be canceled, having the LED screen on the computer run
slow because it didn’t like 30 degree temperature, changing a tire on my cube
van on the Capitol Beltway during rush hour, listening to the PA announcer call
(for the 4th time) for a vehicle to be moved “immediately or it will be towed –
the tow truck is on the way”, watching flood waters rising in the parking lot
and seeing the wheel chocks float away as I pull my trailer to higher ground.
I will miss the comradery of my fellow dog show vendors. I expect to continue to share in the excitement of achieving a new title when I get the order for a crate sign and a new puppy with the order for a pet tag.
Recently my granddaughter purchased a new cell phone. She was unable to transfer her stored numbers from the old phone as it was non-functional (lost or dropped or something). A situation developed where she needed to contact a family friend whose number she had stored in the old phone. She attempted to contact people who might know the phone number she needed to no avail. She asked me if I could think of someone else she could call to get the needed number. Fortunately, the friend whose number she needed is also a senior citizen (like me) who had an old fashion phone – the ones with a chord attached. You guessed it. There was also a listing in that book we use to boost up little kids who have graduated from hi-chairs and I had not yet recycled my copy. I instructed her in the use of the PHONE BOOK and she was able to make the call!
Crate signs serve multiple purposes: Identifying the dog for kennel help; associating the owner and/or handler with the dog, advertising the kennel name, providing ownership and contact information, acknowledging blood lines, and of course acknowledging accomplishments (bragging?).
The judge's pins are solid brass. As the information is engraved into the brass, it won't wear off. I offer 3 types of attachment -pin, clutch (think tie tack) and at an additional charge, magnet. The magnet backs have become more popular as the strength of the magnets has improved. It also seems that the small size is more popular than in the past.
2" x 10" x 1/8" Photography Signs. Engraving available on both sides. Call for color choices. Set includes 20 2" x 10" Signs: 1st Side / 2nd Side, (akc logo) / (akc logo) SPECIALTY, AMERICAN BRED / BRED BY EXHIBITOR, OPEN / NOVICE, BEST PUPPY / AWARD OF MERIT, WINNERS / RESERVE WINNERS, BEST IN / MAJOR, GROUP / SHOW.
Personalized Engraving: HOBBYISTS and REMEMBERANCES - Memorial Plates, information signs for displays, hand made items, instrument and gun cases, picture frames, memorial plantings. RECOGNITION - Hand made items, plaques, photography signs Our Pet ID Tags. IDENTIFICATION - This would include stencils, ID tags, leash tags, stall plates, tack ID, picture frames, trophy ID.